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2024 B2C/Noom Med TOU/PP Update

What’s been updated in Noom’s Terms and Conditions?

We’ve updated our Terms and Conditions to improve readability and better reflect our current products and services. Some highlights include:

What’s been updated in the Privacy Policy?

In Noom’s Privacy Policy, we explain that Noom may share information relating to you and your use of Noom to help deliver interest-based marketing and advertising to you outside of Noom. In some states, you have the right to opt out from the “sale” or “sharing” of your personal information; to learn more about how to opt out, click here. We also clarify that we may use the information you provide us (like shipping address, or payment information) to fulfill your orders.

What if I don’t want to be bound by these changes?

If you don’t wish to be bound by the updated versions, you may discontinue your use of Noom before 11:59 p.m. ET on December 11, 2023.