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Eden’s 3-In-1 Synbiotic Superblend

Product Details

Eden’s synbiotic supplement is scientifically proven to better your gut microbiome and all that goes with it, from heart health to immunity, in one daily scoop.


  • Better Heart Health: Gut microbes can lower cholesterol, and play a key role in reducing conditions like diabetes and obesity.
  • Stronger Immunity: Gut microbes are the first line of defense against illness and disease.
  • Lower Inflammation: Gut microbes control the balance of your body’s anti-inflammatory response.
  • Mental Clarity: Gut microbes direct nutrients to your cells, regulating energy and mood.

Every Ingredient Matters

  • No preservatives
  • Non-GMO
  • Plant-based
  • No artificial sweeteners
  • Keto-friendly
  • Nut-free
  • Soy-free
  • Dairy-free

When can I expect to feel or see health benefits from Eden’s?

Some benefits might come right away, like feeling fuller throughout the day. Other benefits, including bowel movement regularity, better sleep, and increased energy, may take up to 30 days to see or feel a noticeable effect. These benefits will only increase with continued use. Eden’s study found an increased growth of healthy gut microbes, like Bifidobacteria, within 28 days of use. This type of gut microbe proliferation leads to better health as you continue to nurture your microbiome over consecutive months, including enhanced glucose control, immunity, and inflammation.

Will Eden’s make me feel bloated or gassy?

Those who are fiber deficient may feel bloated or gassy for the first week or so of taking Eden’s as their body isn’t accustomed to digesting the proper amount of fiber. The good news is that discomfort may be a sign it’s working! If you experience these symptoms, consider limiting your intake to half a scoop daily for about a week to let your body adjust, then increase to the full scoop. You’ll likely find you better digest all types of fiber-rich foods with continued use.

What’s the best way to take Eden’s?

Though you’ll see excellent benefits from taking Eden’s any time of the day, it’s recommended to take it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning (about 20 minutes before your first meal). Mix it well into a cold beverage, then drink immediately. Many people find it mixes well and tastes especially good in a smoothie.

What makes Eden’s fibers different from other supplements?

Whereas most other supplements contain probiotics or prebiotics, Eden’s contains both in addition to polyphenols (plant-based compounds packed with antioxidants). This powerful combination of ingredients is proven to not only introduce new beneficial microbes to your gut microbiome, but also feed your existing microbes.

Moreover, Eden’s prebiotics contain both soluble and insoluble fibers, both of which have important benefits. Soluble fibers dissolve in water, creating a gel-like substance when digested that can improve blood glucose control and cholesterol. Insoluble fiber can’t be broken down into simple sugars, and instead simply passes through the body, sweeping away toxins along the way.

What is a synbiotic supplement?

A synbiotic is defined as a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics that beneficially affects the host by improving the survival and activity of beneficial microorganisms in the gut. True synbiotics are precise. They must contain the proper amounts and varieties of prebiotics and probiotics to be effective.

Is Eden’s a synbiotic supplement?

Eden’s is a true synbiotic supplement! True synbiotics are precise and contain the proper amounts and varieties of prebiotics and probiotics to be effective. Unlike other products claiming to be synbiotics, Eden’s contains 5 different types of fiber (amounting to 8 grams), in combination with their proprietary probiotic blend.

Is Eden’s a gut health supplement?

Yes, Eden’s contains a 3-in-1 synbiotic superblend, making it an ideal gut health supplement. The gut microbiome is the key to overall metabolic and immune health, and Eden’s is scientifically formulated to nourish your gut in one daily scoop.