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Pendulum Akkermansia Gut Health Supplement

Benefits You Can Feel

Akkermansia is a next-generation beneficial strain that is essential for gut health. Now available exclusively from Pendulum as a daily probiotic.

What’s so special about Akkermansia’s capsule?

Akkermansia is encased in a plant-based, acid-resistant, delayed-release capsule so that the strain gets through the stomach acid and to the gut microbiome where it can do its job.

Who can take Akkermansia?

The ingredients in Akkermansia are GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe), and customers who take it for general gut health have reported a wide variety of benefits.

Can I take Akkermansia with other probiotics?

Yes, you can take Akkermansia with other probiotics and it works particularly well in combination with Pendulum Butyricum. We recommend seeking the advice of your healthcare provider for further recommendations.

What should I expect when taking Akkermansia?

It takes a few weeks for probiotics to build in your microbiome. When introducing any new probiotic to your microbiome, you may experience mild digestive changes. This is temporary and usually means that the strains are settling in. If you experience severe discomfort, please consult your doctor. After a few weeks, you should begin to feel the benefits.

How should I store my Akkermansia?

Store at room temperature. Refrigerate for optimal quality. Cold storage during transit isn’t necessary.

What is the shelf life of Akkermansia?

The shelf life of Akkermansia is 2 years from the manufacturing date printed on the bottle. 

However, Pendulum is transitioning to putting Best By dates on their Akkermansia bottles. If your bottle is printed with a Best By date, that indicates the shelf life