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What happens after I request to delete my data?

If you initiated the deletion request via your Subscription Portal, you’ll immediately receive a confirmation message in the portal. If you initiated the deletion request by contacting our Customer Experience Team, you’ll receive a confirmation via the email associated with your Noom account.

After you receive confirmation, your Noom account and all associated data will begin the deletion process.

The requesting Noom account will be frozen, and it will be logged out of Noom on all devices. You’ll no longer be able to use Noom with this account. If you wish to continue using Noom, you’ll need to create a new account with a different email address.

Within the next 30 days, this Noom account and all associated data will be permanently deleted. This can’t be reversed.

You won’t be able to re-use the email address associated with this Noom account to create a new Noom account until after the 30-day period.