Our chat feature will be down for maintenance on March 17, 2024, from approximately 2:00 AM – 3:00 AM ET.
Please check back after our maintenance has concluded, or submit a ticket to our email support if you require assistance.

Unable to See Chat Widget

We currently support automated and live chat in English. If you’re on any of the Noom Support FAQ pages and don’t see the orange chat widget in the bottom right corner of your screen, you can try the following troubleshooting tips:

  • Ensure you’re not using an AdBlocker or pop-up blocker. If you are, consider turning it off temporarily. 
  • Clear the cookies and cache on your web browser. 
  • Temporarily adjust the security permissions on your web browser to be less strict. 
  • Try a different browser and/or device. 

For reference, this is what the chat widget looks like: