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State of Healthy Behaviors Report
People everywhere are trying to reprioritize their health but still find themselves falling short of their goals. Why?
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What does it take to change?

For nearly two years, the concept of health has dominated headlines, our dinner conversations, our social media feeds, and our minds. While many have taken this time to put health at the forefront, they’re finding that it’s harder to make some necessary changes for a healthier lifestyle.

As experts in behavior change, we know that healthy habits are the foundation for a healthy life. Although behavior change sounds simple, it’s easier said than done. 

So we decided to take a step back and ask ourselves: What motivates us to change? Who do we trust when it comes to our health? Who do we not trust? What would we give up to be healthy? How long do new habits last? How quickly do they fade? Who do we change for? 


We surveyed thousands of people across the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia in our first-ever ‘State of Healthy Behaviors’ report and found that while many of us understand what it takes to get healthy, the how is what’s missing. We’ve dubbed this The Well-Being Gap – the disconnect that prevents us from achieving positive change.

Data Highlights

10 Years

It’s been a decade since Americans, Australians, and Brits have felt their healthiest.

40 million

40 million people don’t feel that they have the tools and resources needed in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle.

75 Percent

Nearly 75% of Americans, Australians, and Brits do not usually talk to their doctor about their health goals and do not feel their doctor is a true partner in helping them lead a healthy life.

The Well-Being Gap

Many people know what they need to do to be healthier, and are often confident in their ability to make healthy changes. Yet, most people aren’t meeting their health goals. In fact, people told us they would rather sacrifice something else in their lives instead of making the changes they need to be healthier.

This doesn’t have to be the case. People shouldn’t have to choose enduring a root canal over making healthy changes in their lives (yes, really!), but we understand that changing your behavior is an extremely hard thing to do — even when it is in our own best interest. That’s where Noom can help.


For further inquiries, please email comms@noom.com

Want to learn more about Noom?

Noom Weight | Noom Mood


Noom commissioned an online survey managed by Kelton Global, a Material Company, which was fielded in Noom’s top markets (U.S., U.K., AU) in November 2021.

4,044 respondents in total. n=1,011 in the U.S.; n=1,009 in AU; n=2,024 in U.K.; general population, ages 18+.

The 2021 “State of Healthy Behaviors” report was designed by @reyjoaquin_.