We’ll be conducting routine maintenance from Saturday, July 27th through Sunday, July 28th.
Our phone system will be unavailable during this time, but you’ll be able to chat with our live agents 24/7 or you can email Support.

Real-world Noom reviews

Real stories, from real Noomers

“I am now the fittest, healthiest and most strong-willed version of myself ever.”

Adham, Doctor, 36

“Noom…offered me an opportunity to have control over my life. I want to live and not succumb to any of the challenges of my cancer.”

Tawana, Entrepreneur, 51

“(My coach) has been my guiding light that helped me reach my goals. Every time I was ready to quit, she was one step ahead of me reminding me how far I had come.”

Matthew, Teacher, 41

Ready to make lasting change?

A healthier you, wherever you are.

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Noomer Favorites

Find out what users love about Noom.

Daily lessons

A customized course, rooted in psychology designed to guide you through your weight loss experience.

“The daily lessons are quick and interesting, and I find myself thinking about the topics later and discussing them with friends and family.”
Beth Davies

The Color System

There are no bad foods – instead, Noom Weight’s color system teaches you how to use calorie density to stay full all day.

“The logging of the food with the instant feedback of the color codes was very insightful. Keeping track of my activities and steps certainly made movement a regular part of my daily activities.”

Milton Julian Eichacker


Knowledge and tools like food logging help to create a new level of awareness around your eating choices.

“You can’t put a price on self-control, I feel so much healthier and I’m so much more aware, it’s incredible!”

Annie Ramsey-Shearer

No deprivation

You can feel full without ditching the foods you love.

“Noom taught me that no food is off limits and that deprivation and shame leads to failure. I now eat with unabashed gratitude for the food on my plate.”

Lara Simone Held

Progress not perfection.

Here are a few ways we’re trying to improve.


We’re always striving to perfect the features you love – like making food logging as seamless and easy as possible.


Some people love having a coach to guide them while others prefer to do it solo. Either way, we’re here to guide and encourage you.


We’re always working to provide Noomers with the best support system, whether in Noom Weight’s daily lessons or on social media.

New Modes

You’ve reached the top of the mountain, now how do you stay there? Because we want to help you keep the weight off for good, we’re constantly exploring new app options like “maintenance mode”.

Noom is right for you if…

You’ve tried other programs that didn’t work for you in the past.

“I have been on many diets  in the past and always felt defeat; not for lack of trying. After a month on Noom, I felt motivated more than ever and properly supported.”

Brandy Hooper

You want to learn why you eat the way you eat.

“I was really drawn to Noom by their approach. The human condition has always interested me, so I liked that they were breaking down the psychology behind the choices we make, our triggers, and coping mechanisms.”

Barbie Murphy

You’re worried about your health.

“I was on 5 different prescription meds, and was pre-diabetic with heart issues. I needed to do something to get my life back under control.”

Joseph M. Felicelli

You don’t have much (or any) spare time.

“What we loved the most about Noom was how it encouraged incremental changes on a daily or weekly basis. Before we knew it, we developed an entirely new lifestyle that we love and fully believe is 100% sustainable.”

Christopher and Heather Delaney

You need structure and guidance when it comes to weight loss.

Hands down, the #1 reason why I reached my goal was because of my coach. Having someone to not only hold me accountable, but to also talk to me when I was feeling stuck was a huge game changer.

Jess Zborowski

You want to change long-held habits around food.

I had tried working out and crash diets but it didn’t teach me why I ate the way I did.  (Noom taught me)  how to change those habits for a lifetime not just for a few months.

Carrie Lee Robinson

You’re ready and willing to commit to a new way of doing things.

Noom is different than other diets because it empowers its members to make a true lifestyle change that can be sustained for a person’s whole life.

Lailaa Ragins

You want to regain control of emotional eating habits.

“It’s a mental and physical lifestyle change that really breaks down how you feel and react towards food and helps you make better choices and understand yourself better.

Audra Avery

Noom in the News: USA Today

“When we decided to review Noom in late September, I volunteered to test it out. What I found was an easy-to-follow behavior-management program with a bonus weight-loss component.”

Noom in the News: Forbes Health

“What if the best diet isn’t a diet at all? What if the diet game changer is actually a psychology-based mobile app?”

Noom in the News: Women's Health

“Noom takes a psychological approach to healthy living and encourages followers to do daily behavioral changes to help them lose weight and keep it off.”

Ready to make lasting change?

A healthier you, wherever you are.

Take The Quiz