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Informed Consent Form

Sponsor / Study Title Noom, Inc. / “Observational Protocol on Program Engagement, Efficacy, and Outcomes”
Protocol Number: RX1000
Principal Investigator: Meaghan McCallum, Ph.D.
Telephone: 347-687-8522 (24 Hours)
Address: Noom, Inc.
450 West 33rd Street
Floor 11
New York, NY 10001
Email: research@noom.com

You are being asked to be a volunteer in a research study.

Please read this form carefully. If you have any questions, ask the study staff.

Introduction and Purpose

Noom delivers structured programs to improve health and wellness. To improve the quality of interventions provided and to inform research questions regarding wellbeing and behavior, Noom will collect in app user data over a period of 10 years. By using the app, you consent to and authorize Noom to use your information for research purposes. This information is always de-identified (coded) and does not include protected health information. You might be enlisted in one of the research studies related to your use of the Noom program.

What is a research study?

A research study is when scientists try to answer a question about something that we don’t know enough about. Participating may not help you or others. People volunteer to be in a research study. The decision about whether or not to take part is totally up to you. You can also agree to take part now and later change your mind. Whatever you decide is okay. There will be no penalty or loss of benefits to you. It will not affect your ability to use Noom’s applications (apps). Any new information that develops during this research study which might make you change your mind about participating will be given to you promptly.

Study description

You will download the Noom mobile application to your Android or Apple phone. You will be assigned a lifestyle coach who will guide you through your program and daily participation in the Noom app. You will be asked to read articles and complete activities within the app.

De-identified in-app data you log (including but not limited to age and gender) will be used to answer research questions related to well being and behavior that may help in the future improvement of the app, the programs offered through the app, and stress and anxiety management.


There are no foreseeable risks involved with using the Noom app. You may feel some discomfort while reflecting on difficult experiences or emotions. You may stop using the Noom app at any time.

There may be some risks that are unknown.


You may or may not experience improved psychological wellbeing related to your in-app activities. Additionally, you might contribute to our knowledge of the Noom management programs, which could potentially help others improve their wellbeing in the future.


You will not be compensated for participation in Noom’s research studies, unless you are offered the opportunity to complete questionnaires regarding your wellbeing and experience with the app. Depending on the length of the survey, you could be compensated between$10-$100. You will be paid following each completed survey.


There is no cost to you for taking part in this study.

Financial Disclosure

The principal investigator has a proprietary interest in this research study (for example, patent, trademark, copyright, or licensing agreement). Contact research@noom.com if you have additional questions.


The information that we collect from you for this research study will be kept confidential. Only authorized staff will have access to your identifying information. A subject ID will be issued to you and used within our research database. A code will be used instead of your name. All of your study data will be kept in a secure location. The Department of Health and Human Services and Advarra Institutional Review Board (IRB) may have access to the study data.

While every effort will be made to protect the confidentiality of your information, absolute confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.


You may decide not to take part in this research study without any penalty or loss of benefit to which you are otherwise entitled. The choice is totally up to you. If you decide not to participate, please contact the investigator on the first page of this consent document.

This research study is for research purposes only. The only alternative is to not participate in the research study.

Ending Participation in a Research Study

You may stop taking part in this research study at any time without any penalty or loss of benefit to which you are otherwise entitled. This will not affect your ability to continue using the Noom app.

If you decide to stop being in the research study, please contact the investigator listed on the first page of this consent document.

Your part in the research may stop at any time for any reason, such as, the sponsor or the investigator decides to stop the study.

Whom to Contact about this Study

During the study, if you have questions, concerns or complaints about the study such as:

  • Payment or compensation for being in the study, if any;
  • Your responsibilities as a study subject;
  • Eligibility to participate in the research;
  • The investigator’s or study site’s decision to exclude you from participation;

Please contact the investigator using the contact information on the first page of this consent document.

An Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an independent committee established to help protect .the rights of research subjects. If you have any questions about your rights as a research subject, contact:

  • By mail

Study Subject Adviser
Advarra IRB
6940 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 110
Columbia, MD 21046

Please reference the following number when contacting the Study Subject Adviser: Pro00076674.

By using your UPID (unique program identification) or logging into the app, it means that you have read the information given in this consent form, you would like to be a volunteer in one of our studies, and you authorize Noom to use your information for research purposes.