We’ll be conducting routine maintenance on Saturday, August 3rd.
Our phone system will be unavailable during this time, but you’ll be able to chat with our live agents 24/7 or you can email Support.

Tips and Tricks for your BodyTrace Scale

Tips for getting set up

● Your new scale functions through a cellular network – no Bluetooth or WiFi set up is required.

● It’ll be tempting to get that box open and step right onto it! But once it arrives, please bring the box inside to a cool environment, lay it flat in a spot you want to keep your scale. Put the batteries in and let it sit for at least an hour.

     ○ Why the wait? BodyTraces are sensitive devices and we need the scale to calibrate from being moved around a lot in the shipping process. The wait will allow the scale to calibrate and give you accurate readings.

     ○ What’s with the placement? We suggest placing it in the spot you will normally keep your scale because moving the sensitive scale can cause issues. Please try to identify where you want the scale and place it there to cool and calibrate.

          ■ Note: This scale will not give you accurate measurements if it is on a soft surface (e.g. carpet) so please make sure it’s on a steady hardwood floor.

          ■ Note: As your scale functions through a cellular network, having the scale closer to a window or on a top floor may allow it to receive better reception.

● This is your scale for the study so please do not let others use it.

Your first weigh in!

You’ve waited the hour to let BodyTrace calibrate. Here’s what to do next:

● Step on up and stand still for your reading with your weight evenly distributed.

● The scale should automatically turn on and display your weight. Once it flashes a weight that ends with ‘lb’, step off the scale, so it can begin transmitting your measurement.

● The scale will flash between a few different screens during data transmission.

● After your measurement has been transmitted, your BodyTrace scale should turn off automatically. That’s it! You’re ready to weigh in.