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Weight Loss Plan: How to Build One that Works

1 min Read

Have you ever set a goal for yourself, tried to get started working towards that goal, and then immediately felt like you had absolutely no idea what you were doing? If so, you aren’t alone. It’s usually pretty easy to figure what you want to achieve. But it’s not always as simple to figure out […]

Have you ever set a goal for yourself, tried to get started working towards that goal, and then immediately felt like you had absolutely no idea what you were doing? If so, you aren’t alone. It’s usually pretty easy to figure what you want to achieve. But it’s not always as simple to figure out how you’re going to achieve it. When it comes to weight loss plans especially, this is often the case. There are so many different plans to choose from, and while many plans will tell you exactly what to do, there aren’t nearly as many plans out there that will provide a proven process to help you reach your weight loss goals one step at a time. Or should I say one goal at a time?

Don’t worry though, there’s at least one! Noom takes a unique approach when it comes to weight loss plans. Rather than telling you exactly what to eat (or not eat), Noom will help you set your own weight loss goals, Noom will help hold you accountable to those goals, and Noom will be there to pick you up and help you refocus on those goals when you slip and stumble, as we all do from time to time. Let’s find out exactly how Noom uses goal setting as part of their weight loss plan…

Your Big Picture

This is where it all begins. Your big picture goal, your ultimate goal, the grandiose vision of your future self that you have in mind. What exactly you decide to call this vision isn’t all that important. But what is important is that you chose a big picture goal that will keep you feeling motivated, inspired, and excited about moving forward no matter how many obstacles you encounter along the way. When you’re putting your big picture goal together, think to yourself… “How will my life be different once I achieve this goal?”

Super Goals

Once you’ve got your big picture in mind, the next step is to break that big vision down into the smaller goals that you want to achieve by the end of your weight loss plan. Thinking about your big picture goal is inspiring, but at times, it can also feel overwhelming. So breaking that big vision down into smaller steps helps achieving that big picture goal feel more realistic. When you’re building your super goals, don’t be afraid to think big! Even on a weight loss journey, not every goal has to be centered around the scale or your ultimate goal weight. Maybe you’ve got another vision in mind… participating in your first triathlon, fitting in to that old pair of jeans, or feeling more confident in front of a crowd.

Your Ultimate Why

Now here’s where it really gets good. The last piece of your big picture puzzle is identifying your ultimate why. Or in other words, the reasons why you want to achieve these super goals in the first place. In order to figure out what exactly those reasons are… simply start by asking yourself “why?” What’s the driving force behind your efforts? Why do you want to run a triathlon… what does fitting back in to that old pair of jeans really mean to you… and how will you feel a few months from now once you’ve reached your weight loss goals and proven to yourself and to others that you can do this?


So we’ve covered the big stuff, now let’s take a look at how small goals will come into play on the rest of your journey. You might be wondering by now… what exactly is a SMART goal anyway? Well, it’s an evidence-based approach to setting efficient goals. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. By putting all of these details in place around a goal, you’ll be a lot more likely to achieve that goal because you’ve got a solid action plan to work on. At first glance, this might seem like a lot to keep up with each week. But at Noom, you’ll have your own personal health coach to help you craft these SMART goals.

Weekly Check-Ins

Not only will your coach help you put these SMART goals together, but they’ll also check in with you each week to follow-up on your progress with your goals. Your coach will be there to celebrate your successes, help you work through any barriers you encountered along the way, and to brainstorm the next small step you can take towards your super goals.


Checking in with your coach each week is one way to stay accountable to the goals you’ve set, but in addition to that, the Noom app will provide you with a whole set of practical tools you can use to self-monitor your progress and hold yourself accountable. In the Noom app, you’ll be able to track your daily calorie intake, log your daily weight, and make use of the in-app pedometer.


We started off this conversation talking about the things that you could do to define and start working towards your big picture goals. And while there’s no doubt that you are capable of doing all this on your own, there’s also no denying that sometimes it’s nice to have a hand to hold along the way. There will be rough days, there will be bumps in the road, and there will be some goals that take longer to reach than others. But one thing is for sure, you’ll never be alone on this journey. At Noom, you not only have the support of one coach, but you’ll actually have the support of two coaches plus a group of peers that are each on a similar weight loss journey. They’ll be there for you day in and day out to remind you of your big picture goals and that you are capable of reaching them.

Putting It All Together

Are you feeling ready to set your first goal? If so, come check out Noom and get started today.

Real results with a personalized weight loss program

Noom uses behavioral psychology to help change unhealthy habits one step at time. It does not use restrictive diets. No food is forbidden. Take our FREE 5-minute quiz and see how quickly you reach your goal weight.

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