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The R3 Weight Loss Plan: Who does it work for?

by | Mar 25, 2019 | Last updated Apr 17, 2023 | Blog, Digest, Eat

The R3 weight loss plan promises to help people achieve weight loss for life without dieting or spending a lot of money. How does it do that? With the 3 R’s: Reset, Reintroduce, Real Life. Sound vague? That’s because it is. The plan promotes itself as helping people to achieve weight loss for life without […]

The R3 weight loss plan promises to help people achieve weight loss for life without dieting or spending a lot of money. How does it do that? With the 3 R’s: Reset, Reintroduce, Real Life. Sound vague? That’s because it is. The plan promotes itself as helping people to achieve weight loss for life without dieting or spending a lot of money. But even after reading through the entire website, it’s still not clear exactly how the R3 Weight Loss Plan manages to do this.

On the other hand, subscribing to the Noom app guarantees access to a truly customized weight loss plan delivered straight to your phone using award-winning technology. You can expect 24/7 access to a research-driven behavior change course, a proven accurate food database to assist with meal logging, as well as support from peers and professional health coaches. Sound too good to be true? Have a look for yourself here!

So which of these plans is right for you? Let’s break it on down a little bit further and I’ve got a feeling that by the end of this article, you’ll know which one to choose.

Here it is: The R3 Weight Loss Plan

So back to the R3 Weight Loss Plan. What is it again? Well, it seems to be a combination of speaking events, workshops, and exercise classes mostly led by personal trainer and weight loss specialist Susan Torborg and a few other (four, to be exact) weight loss coaches. According to the website, by participating in this plan, you’ll learn how to:

  • Increase your metabolism
  • Eliminate sugar and carb addictions
  • Increase your energy
  • Crave healthy foods
  • Make healthy food choices
  • Look at food as fuel not only pleasure
  • Have control over your body
  • Praise your success
  • Not be controlled by the scale

But the question here still lingers… HOW? Don’t get me wrong, most of these bullet points listed above sound great on the surface, and Susan Torborg and her colleagues each seem to have credible backgrounds and experience in health-related fields, but it’s just a little hard to imagine how a weight loss plan that claims to be customized could deliver each of these  promises with only a few employees and through a limited number of classes. And did I mention that this all takes place over the course of three short two-week stages. One for each “R” of course.

Now: The news on Noom

How does Noom stack up? For starters, your Noom course won’t teach you how to “increase” your metabolism, but rather it will teach you how to master your metabolism–to understand the in’s and out’s of how your metabolism changes over time, why it might be changing, and on top of that, the Noom app will clearly lay out which factors are proven to influence your metabolism rate… and which ones aren’t (ahem, eating 6 small meal per day, ahem)!

Plus, the Noom app doesn’t just provide information on these topics like making healthy food choices and learning to overcome trigger foods and addictions, but the app also provides the personalized tools that you will need to make these behavior changes last. No more waiting for the next seminar session to roll around as you might find yourself doing with the R3 Weight Loss Plan–these are tools that you can hold in the palm of your hand and rely on each and every day for as long as you need.

What are these tools you ask? Well, when it comes to weight loss, being able to track things like your daily weight, the food choices you are making throughout the day, and how many steps you are taking can be extremely helpful as you are learning to make lifestyle changes. The Noom app provides all of this. On top of that, each and every person who signs up with Noom receives a personal health coach that will work together with you each week to set specific goals that will help you overcome your biggest barriers. Again, no more waiting for the next class and hoping for that opportunity to chat with your health coach directly. With Noom, you can message your coach through the app at any time.

On the contrary, in an interview published by The Catholic Spirit, R3 Weight Loss Plan founder Susan Torberg provided weight loss tips such as weighing in only once every two weeks and never counting calories, weighing out your foods, or journaling. No keeping up with your calories… no paying attention to portion sizes… and no journaling even? But why not? Sure, these tools don’t necessarily work for everyone, and they might not be things you want to rely on forever, but each one has its benefits, time and place–so why restrict them completely?

But what about the R3 Diet?

Remember when I mentioned earlier that the R3 Weight Loss Plan was somewhat vague in its description? Well good luck trying to Google it! And be prepared to search through another of other weight-related “R3” options before you find it. There’s the R3 Diet touted to “reverse, retrain, and rebuild your body and mind.” Sound familiar? You might also come across the R3 Weight Loss System supplement that will “reduce, recharge, and reform.”  

How could one ever keep all of the different R3 options straight? I don’t have the answer to that question, but I can tell you this, there’s only one Noom. What sets it apart from all the rest? Noom doesn’t only provide weight loss tools in the traditional sense, but it will also help you tackle the thoughts, triggers, mental and emotional barriers that stand in the way of you and your big picture health goals.

You might be wondering: What’s the cost?

So how much does this all cost? This is an important question to consider. When it comes to the R3 Weight Loss Plan… let me know when you find out. The website promotes the plan as a way to lose weight without spending much money. But here’s the scary part–it doesn’t currently list any type of program costs or description of fees for the classes and seminar sessions offered.

But if you’re thinking of signing up with Noom, here’s everything you need to know about your subscription options. Still not feeling quite ready to commit? That’s okay, because Noom offers a full 14-day free trial to everyone who signs up. That way, you can experience the magic firsthand and know for yourself exactly what you’ll continue to have access to once the trial ends. With an offer like that, what have you got to lose?

But when it comes to the R3 Weight Loss Plan, here’s the real kicker

Before we go any further, there’s something else you should know about the R3 Weight Loss Plan. In a nutshell, these customized plans are specifically designed for priests, seminarians, and their parishioners. After taking a closer look into the types of classes offered through the R3 Weight Loss Plan, you’ll notice that they are conducted through individual church parishes and meant to be help find a balance between physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Susan Torberg describes these sessions in a bit more depth during her interview with The Catholic Spirit and says that she will initially meet with the participants once every few weeks and then begin dropping in monthly to check in on their progress and provide encouragement. Knowledge and encouragement are both great, but what happens on those days in between session as the weeks continue to pass by? How do participants keep up with their “customized” weight loss plans and how do they measure their progress on this plan?

Well, if you are a priest or seminarian, you might be able to hold yourself accountable by practicing some of the plan’s suggested tips to avoid comfort foods and treats that are often found in parish offices or church rectories. And you probably won’t have much trouble praying the rosary while you take your daily walk. But for those individuals that aren’t member of the Catholic church, it might be a bit more difficult to participate in this type of plan.

And that’s where Noom comes back into the picture…

Want to Lose Weight for Good? Try the Noom app

Noom is open for everyone. And the reason why is because at Noom, you are in the driver’s seat. How can you be sure that your plan will truly be personalized with the solutions that are right for you? It’s because you will be the one deciding precisely what your plan entails. The Noom team will certainly guide you along the way, but all of the big decisions will be left up to you. That way, you can be sure that it’s a plan you can stick with in the long run. The app won’t tell you exactly what to eat or when to exercise, but it will provide you with the tools, support, and accountability that you will need to learn how to make those decisions for yourself while still losing weight and improving your health at the same time.

And with that, it seems to safe to say that the debate between Noom and The R3 Weight Loss Plan has been settled. Don’t take it straight from me though. Take it from the Journal of Medical Internet Research who determined that Noom’s mobile platform delivers results on par with the federal government’s own National Diabetes Prevention Program. Or from the Journal of Human Hypertension who have backed Noom as begin an effective way to help adults reduce their blood pressure and lose weight. And even better yet, take it from Laura, Cindy, and the many others who signed up for Noom in hopes of losing weight and left with that plus so much more. So go ahead, give it a go… trust me, you’ll be glad you did!