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Survey: America’s Problem with Mental Wellness in 2022

by | Oct 6, 2022 | Last updated May 2, 2023

a sunset over a mountain range and clouds

Often, when we set a goal to improve our physical health, the desire to do so can be spurred by a reflection – literally – on our physical appearance: looking in the mirror. Maybe we notice that our skin is breaking out or that our bodies are changing or that we simply look tired. These “mirror moments” might inspire us to start building some healthy habits to reverse physical change: drinking more water, improving our nutrition and exercise, aiming to get more sleep each night. But, here at Noom, we know that achieving physical health is only half the battle. Our minds deserve just as much attention and care as our bodies – they are inextricably linked on our lifelong journeys to living healthier lives. 

As World Mental Health Day approaches on October 10th, we got to thinking: what is our “mirror moment” for mental wellness? Our mental health isn’t something we can so easily see, so how do we recognize when change needs to happen and what are the motivating factors that result in taking action in the interest of achieving mental wellness? 

This is the question we set out to answer in our latest consumer survey. In a survey of 2,000 Americans, we discovered that:

  • One in 10 can’t even remember the last time they had a stress-free day.
  • Mental health action is often triggered by the reaction from or impact on others, not internal reflection.
  • Of those who have made an effort to prioritize their mental health, the biggest motivating factors are considering how their mental health affects others (53%), seeing friends benefit from taking care of their mental well-being (51%), and speaking with close family members (46%).
  • When asked what they would give up in exchange for having a stress-free day, people chose to forgo their favorite meals/snacks (45%), an entire paycheck (28%), sex (26%), and even TikTok (20%).

The New York Post shares more about the survey and additional findings here

Questions? Want to learn more? Contact us at comms@noom.com.

Looking to improve your own mental wellness? Check out Noom’s stress management program, Noom Mood

If you or someone you know is facing a mental health crisis, please seek out the advice of a medical professional.