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Recipe Roundup: Choco-holic Edition

by | Feb 13, 2019 | Last updated Feb 15, 2022

You’ve probably clicked on this blog post looking for ideas to celebrate your love of chocolate this Valentine’s Day. You may be slightly worried that all you’ll find here are various recipes disguising disappointing and bitter cacao nibs as chocolate (sorry cacao nib fans, but you know the truth!). Knowing that you aren’t headed down a disheartening path of mediocre desserts, please, chocolate lover, continue on.

Perhaps you’re looking for romantic recipes to celebrate this day with a loved one. Alternatively, you may be seeking indulgent treats, tailored toward your solo date night of self-care and Netflix. Whatever your plan may be, practicing some self-love this holiday (in the form of chocolate) is a go, and these 14 recipes are sure to make your heart flutter!

…and with that, I leave you to enjoy this day, and every day, with the spirit of love in your heart!

Author: Dana Lingard