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This summer, try these 10 kebab skewer recipes

by | Jun 3, 2022 | Last updated Feb 25, 2023

Cooking food on kebab skewers lets you create satisfying, healthful combinations of proteins and nutrient-rich veggies. But somehow, these elegantly simple sticks—perfect for summer cookouts—tend to stay out of the limelight. Here are 10 simple recipes that’ll have everyone in the crowd asking you to pass them another baton. 

  1. Balsamic grilled chicken kebabs

These are not just a classic but pretty much as summer-y as it gets, with cherry tomatoes and squash balancing out the balsamic vinegar marinade. This recipe lists some vegetables you can swap in to your liking, which also enables you to adjust the color palette of these highly Instagrammable wands. 

  1. Herb-marinated tilapia kebabs

Tilapia might not be famous for a strong flavor like salmon or tuna, but don’t sleep on this protein-rich, low-fat fish—impale it! A very simple marinade brings the tilapia to life (not biologically), and artichoke hearts add texture and fiber, which will make the whole stick feel more satisfying.

  1. Ham and pineapple kebabs

Finally, a less calorie-dense way to tell the world that you love Hawaiian pizza. Sweet and refreshing pineapple pairs nicely with the smoky ham, and the marinade adds some savoriness to top it all off. Try a low-fat, pre-cubed ham to create your statement scepter. 

  1. Chicken tandoori kebabs

Tandoori is one of our favorite Indian preparations, yielding tasty, juicy proteins without calorie-dense creams or oils. These skewers include a yogurt-based tzatziki sauce, making for a cooling and refreshing summer treat. 

  1. Chimichurri tofu skewers

If you suspect that some of the guests at your cookout may be tofu skeptics, these skewers are a kind of brilliant way to disguise the protein-rich soybean squares as chicken. Packed in tight among vegetables that enhance its flavor, and then grilled to perfection, the chimichurri tofu will have your friends leaving both satisfied and converted. 

  1. Harissa prawn skewers 

Prawns are a great source of energy-producing vitamins, and the tahini in this recipe both tastes great and supplements the harissa for a robust flavor experience. These crunchy, spicy skewers will enliven any summer get-together.

  1. Rosemary salmon kebabs

Thanks to salmon’s healthy fats and essential vitamins, this recipe enables you to gesticulate with a colorful stick and fight inflammation at the same time. 

  1. Fajita chicken kebabs

We’ve previously praised the portability of many Mexican dishes, and thanks to wooden or metal skewers you can add another mobile fiesta to your repertoire. The cumin, chili powder, and jalapeño allow you to pack some of that good heat without adding salt. 

  1. Sweet spiced seitan skewers

Made of cooked wheat, seitan barbecues exceptionally well. And with chilis, ginger, and coriander, you might actually prefer its sweet and spicy flavor to anything else you’re grilling this summer. 

  1. Grilled tuna kebabs

Tuna is an exceptionally healthful fish, being low in fat and packing a ton of protein, but there are other great ones you can swap in here. These flavorful skewers empower you to please and even impress the crowd, while saving calorie-dense red meats for another day.

Did any of these recipes convince you to try your hand at threading proteins and veggies onto a skewer? Here are some wooden skewers and some metal skewers to get your parties started. And check out Noom Weight to help ensure that what you cook helps you achieve your health goals.