
Q: My partner is experiencing a plateau… How do I handle this?” 

A: “Often when we hit a plateau, it’s a sign that our body has adjusted, and we need to shake things up a bit. It’s also a sign that you’ve made a significant enough change that your body wants to stabilize now. 

“Supporting your partner in this situation could involve brainstorming what has been going well and what they might change. Your brainstorming sessions could result in ideas such as trying a few meatless meals throughout the week, joining them in a new workout class to challenge themselves, finding ways to unwind together to reduce stress, or having a daily water competition. 

“For a more hands-off approach, offering a space to acknowledge all of their hard work can be of great value. When we step into a mindset of appreciation and reflection, positive energy can bring a new wave of motivation and help us to push through a plateau. Let your partner know the changes you’ve seen in them along the way, and ask them to consider the same.”

– Danielle Cywka, MS, LPC, NBC-HWC, Noom Coach