
Noom’s Frequently Asked Questions

How long each day should I use the app?
You can choose how long you want to use Noom each day, from 5-15 minutes. You get the most out of the app by logging your weight, tracking your food, and reading the lessons each day. If you opt to be on the app longer, you will be served up more articles to read. If you don’t get to finish your articles for the day, they will be there for you the next day. 

How does Noom determine my daily calorie budget? 
Noom uses the basic principles of the Harris-Benedict equation to establish your daily caloric intake. Using this principle, we first determine your BMR (basal metabolic rate), which is based on the following characteristics that you set up in your user profile:

Starting Weight

Your BMR is then applied to the Harris-Benedict equation to determine your ideal daily caloric intake. We assume a “sedentary” number for each user (meaning no exercise) — and any logged exercises are credited by adding to your total calorie allowance for that day.

Your calorie budget will adjust according to the speed at which you lose weight. If you are enrolled in one of our structured programs, your caloric budget is set automatically.

If you’re not enrolled in a program, you can change it by doing the following:

Open Noom and tap the three horizontal lines in the upper left corner. Then go to Settings, and under your bio you’ll see “Weight loss settings.” Moving the slider towards the tortoise will increase your calorie budget and moving it towards the hare will decrease your calorie budget.

What do the green, yellow and orange food color categories mean?
Noom uses a unique color system to help you easily understand what’s in the foods you’re eating, and to help guide you toward healthy food choices. Our color system breaks all foods down into orange, yellow, and green categories based on their caloric density.

Green foods (like veggies and whole grains) are the least calorie-dense and/or contain the highest concentration of healthy nutrients. You’ll get fuller eating more green foods since they typically contain a lot of water and have low calorie density. 

Yellow foods (like lean meats and starches) have more calories and/or less healthy nutrients per serving than green foods.

Orange foods (like red meats and desserts) are the most calorie-dense and/or have the least healthy nutrients, and should be eaten less frequently and in smaller portions. 

The recommended breakdown for what each Noomer should eat is about 30 percent green foods, about 45 percent yellow foods, and about 25 percent orange foods.

It’s important to know that “orange” doesn’t mean bad, and “green” doesn’t mean good (although it does mean better). We like to think of our color system as a portion guide. Orange foods can contain a lot of calories while not filling you up, and you can eat green foods in larger quantities for fewer calories to fill you up. 

Are there any foods that are off-limits?
Although Noom uses the orange, yellow, and green color coding system to rate foods’ caloric density, there are no foods that are off-limits on Noom. You can have birthday cake. You can even have Tuesday cake. 

How does Noom determine your step count?
Getting in enough steps is key for weight loss and overall health, which is why counting steps is an integral part of the Noom program. If you are using Noom on your Android or iOS device, your step goal will be set to 2,000 steps from the beginning. Going forward, your pedometer will adjust in the following way:

  • If you do not take any steps or the pedometer does not detect any steps, your step goal will revert to the initial settings: 2,000 steps
  • If you reach the target steps, your target step goal will increase
  • If you do not reach the target steps, your step goal will decrease

You can also sync Noom to a smart device (like a Fitbit or Apple Watch) and other health Apps in iOS or Android to track your steps and other activity. 

Compatible apps:

How often do I need to weigh in with Noom?
A proven and effective tool for weight loss, regular weigh-ins are a key part of the Noom program. 

The effectiveness of weigh-ins isn’t just about the number on the scale — it’s about subtle changes in psychology. Eating more usually doesn’t have a short-term consequence, but when you know that you’ll see it on the scale in a few days, you’re much more likely to stick to your plan. It’s like having a small voice inside your head reminding you of the goal you’re working towards.

To make your weigh-ins most effective and to minimize variability, weigh yourself in the morning 15-30 minutes after waking up and before eating or drinking. Noom prompts you to weigh in daily to get in the habit of stepping on the scale and to reduce scale anxiety. 

Do I have to exercise with Noom?
Noom’s wellness and weight loss philosophy is much more food-focused than exercise-focused. Our philosophies support powerful behavioral change, which can and will lead to weight loss when followed correctly. Exercise is encouraged with Noom for a number of health reasons, although it’s not required for the program or necessary to achieve weight loss.

If you are physically able to exercise and already do so, we encourage you to keep up with your workout routine! If you exercise, you can sync with one of our compatible smart devices and/or fitness apps, or you can manually add an exercise in the app. 

Exercising creates a “calorie deficit” through the calories that are burned. Noom gives you back half of the calories burned in a given workout to your daily total, which you can (but don’t have to) use. Research has found that dieters tend to overcompensate for the calories burned in a workout by overeating, which can negatively affect one’s weight loss journey — this is why we use the approach of adding half of the calories burned back.

What is the role of a Noom Goal Specialist?
Your Noomer will be paired with a personal Coach, or Goal Specialist, during the first couple weeks of using Noom. 

The Coach will help track your Noomer’s progress and support them as they move through the program. They are available to help set goals and check in for support. They’ll send weekly messages on the app to continually personalize your Noomer’s Noom experience.

Your Noomer can message their Coach outside of their weekly check-ins as needed — just keep in mind that it may take them a little longer to get back to you. The best way to learn healthy habits is to put your ideas into practice, and your coach is here to help.

A Coach is not a replacement for a therapist, registered dietitian, or other health professional. They can provide guidance around the Healthy Weight program, but they are not certified counselors, trainers, or dietitians. We encourage you to reach out to a professional should you feel you need one.