
A day in the life of a Noomer

As someone who will be supporting your Noomer, it’ll be super helpful for you to see what a day in the life of Noom is like. Now, we’d like to note that no two days will be the same! Some days your Noomer will feel awesome, other days they’ll feel not-so-awesome, and a lot of the time, they’ll fall somewhere in between.

That said, let’s take a look at a typical day for Noomer Sarah. She’s a 47-year-old mom from Michigan who works from home as a managing editor for her local magazine.

7:30am – I get out of bed and step on the scale to weigh myself. The number went up a little bit — I ate some chips before bed last night, so I don’t mind the small increase. But I know I need to drink more water today.

8:00am – Breakfast time. I usually make a smoothie before bed for the next day, but I was lazy last night. I make avocado toast with a hard boiled egg and some berries on the side. I try to enjoy my breakfast without distractions but I really love reading the paper. Even though Noom has taught me a lot of new habits, my old habits … well, they die hard.

9:00am – Post avocado toast and a quick kitchen cleanup, it’s time to log on for work. My day is filled with back-to-back meetings, but thankfully, I have a block of time around 1:30 to make some lunch.

11:00am – Coffee time. I make a cup and add a dash of cream (I need the cream! I consider this one of my treats—one of my favorite things about Noom.)

1:30pm – Lunch! I take last night’s leftovers—fish, brown rice, and zucchini—and throw them on top of some spinach for an extra dose of green. I top that off with a homemade lemon vinaigrette.

2:45pm – I get back to work and realize I am not drinking more water like I said I would. I challenge myself to drink another bottle during my upcoming meeting.

3:15pm – I’m hungry and I also realize I haven’t logged my meals today. I log breakfast and lunch and see I only have 808 calories left. I decide on hummus and carrots as my snack and log it, which leaves me with 559 calories.

4:45pm – I finish my meetings and I can finally take the dog for a little walk. It’s freezing out today, so I don’t make it to 10,000 steps, but it’s something.

6:00pm – I start to make dinner—grilled chicken breasts, string beans, and sweet potato fries. I make a small salad with the last of the spinach, romaine, and some peppers that are about to go bad.

7:30pm – I’m craving dessert, so I log my dinner to see what my “something sweet” can be. I have 82 calories left which means I can have one of the chocolate chip cookies I baked earlier this week. Yum.

9:15pm– I somehow muster up the energy to prep my smoothie for tomorrow. I blend broccoli, frozen berries, half a banana, almond butter, and some chia seeds and then stick it in the fridge.

9:30pm – Noom has shown me how important sleep is and I’ve been trying to get into a healthy bedtime routine. Before turning out the lights, I finish up my remaining articles for the day. I usually read them whenever I get a chance, but I like doing it before I sleep because I feel like it really seeps into my subconscious (must be all that Noom psychology talk).