
What’s your support style?

So you want to provide the best support possible for your Noomer. And trust us when we say that support is invaluable to them.

But different people thrive in different types of support roles. Take this quiz to determine what your support style is, and how to play to your strengths. Not to mention … it’s always fun to learn a little bit more about yourself, isn’t it?

  1. When your Noomer first told you that they were trying to improve their health, you…
    a. Asked “What can I do to help?”
    b. Scrambled to learn as much as you could about the program
    c. Had your own emotional reaction, but simply gave them a big hug and told them you how proud you were

  2. When your Noomer runs into the room and tells you they’ve lost a few pounds since the last time they weighed in, you…a. Feel proud of yourself for the contributions you made yesterday to their program
    b. Remind them that this is going to be great motivation when they encounter obstacles down the line
    c. Jump for joy with them!

  3. Your Noomer tells you they’re going to the store to stock up on healthy foods. You…
    a. Volunteer to go with them
    b. Provide recommendations for their shopping list
    c. Congratulate them for being so dedicated to the program

  4. You’re out to dinner with your Noomer and they say they are considering ordering a dish full of orange foods – fried chicken, french fries, and a soda. You…
    a. Offer to share that dish with them (and maybe a second dish full of green foods you saw on the menu)
    b. Remind them that the grilled chicken and baked potato is a much healthier option
    c. Say nothing. Let them decide.

  5. Your Noomer wants to start going to the gym. You…
    a. Look up the best gym options in your neighborhood
    b. Share what you learned about all the health benefits of activity
    c. Are in awe of how dedicated they are

  6. You notice that your Noomer hasn’t logged their food in a few days. You…
    a. Open the app on their phone and offer to help them get back into it
    b. Offer tips to make food logging a bit easier
    c. Ask them what might be bothering them

  7. Your Noomer has hit a plateau weight and is a bit discouraged. You…
    a. Make a delicious, healthy dinner to keep them motivated
    b. Let them know that hitting a plateau is a normal part of the process, but not something that should get them down
    c. Sit and listen to their frustrations, and provide words of encouragement

  8. Your Noomer has hit their ideal weight, but is worried they won’t be able to maintain it long term. You…
    a. Want to work together to set up schedules and routines that they can use indefinitely
    b. Begin researching what a healthy calorie intake would be for their weight maintenance
    c. Remind them of all they’ve accomplished, and how much faith you have in them going forward

If you answered mostly “a” …

You’re primarily a practical supporter
You’re a doer. You show your Noomer support by providing the help and the resources to allow them to achieve their goals. Do they need a salad for dinner? You’ll make it. They can’t find time to go to the gym? You’ll watch the kids. And if they have a birthday coming up … well, you’ll be the one to sign them up for the Fruit of the Month club (green foods!). Your Noomer is lucky to have someone who is so willing to participate in the experience. Take the time to think through all the things you can do to help. And ask your loved one to give you ideas as well. Next time they tell you that it’s tempting to have chocolate around the house … you’ll know what to do.

If you answered mostly “b” …

You’re primarily an informational supporter
You’ve probably already read all about the Noom plan. You understand the difference between green foods, orange foods, and yellow foods. You can explain caloric density. Pretty soon, you will be a valuable extra resource for your Noomer – the person they can turn to for advice on what to order in a restaurant, or which tortillas to buy in the store. Continue to provide this support; at least when it’s asked for. Encourage your Noomer to ask questions, and make it clear how much you enjoy being a part of the experience. Just be careful not to provide information when it’s not solicited. The drawback to being an information supporter is that … well … sometimes they don’t want that information. In those moments, they may just need someone to listen.

If you answered mostly “c” …

You’re primarily an emotional supporter
You give hugs. You share encouraging words. You are there to listen when your Noomer needs you. This type of emotional support is incredibly important when someone begins the roller coaster journey of trying to improve their health and well being. Your Noomer will have highs (when they hit their target weight), and lows (when they reach a plateau and their weight stays steady). Most importantly, they will have slips and slides; days when they just can’t stick to their plan. This is where you can step in, offer love and support, keep the encouragement coming, and provide a listening ear. It’s what you’re best at. So take those opportunities to shine.