
6 misconceptions about Noom and being a supporter

We know that new things can be scary (especially when you feel like you’re responsible for holding someone accountable for those new things!) That’s why we’re debunking common misconceptions about Noom and being a supporter, so you can be there for your Noomer in the best way possible. 

  1. Noom cuts out your favorite foods 

We’re happy to report that not only do we not cut out your favorite foods, but we actually encourage you to eat them. While that may seem counterintuitive, we believe in sustainably and building habits that stick—cutting out fries for the rest of your life is, well, unsustainable. We make room for all foods, and urge Noomers to treat themselves and practice an addition mindset (in other words, adding foods rather than taking them away). 

  1. I’m my Noomer’s only form of support 

While it’s true that you’re going to be a big help in this experience (your Noomer picked you for a reason!), you won’t be the only one doing the heavy lifting. We encourage Noomers to create circles of support—and in order to create a circle, you definitely need more than one person—while also providing them with guides, coaches, and groups to assist them on their journey. 

  1. Weight is solely determined by what you eat 

While food may contribute to your weight, there are hundreds of factors that impact weight loss, many of which are out of your control (hormones, muscle mass, and genetics, we’re looking at you). 

  1. We won’t be able to have fun with food anymore, like eat at restaurants

Just like we don’t cut out favorite foods, we don’t ban restaurants either! That would be really mean. We provide our Noomers with tools so they can feel confident and empowered to make the best decisions for themselves in the moment. And don’t think they’re suddenly not going to want to go halfsies on the cookie skillet.

  1. Weight gain means you’re doing something wrong 

Sometimes, the scale goes up a little. And while that may feel scary, increases (or decreases, for that matter) in weight from one day to the next aren’t true weight gain or weight loss—we call them weight fluctuations. According to a study published in Physiological Reports, your weight can fluctuate by 2 to 4.5 lbs in a day. And these fluctuations are caused by a variety of factors like how much salt you’re eating, how many carbs you’ve consumed, how often you’re using the bathroom, or how much you’re sweating. 

  1. This plan will take over a Noomer’s life … which means less time for me 

We’ll level with you: some of their attention will be directed towards Noom and reaching their goals. But we’re not trying to steal them from you, we promise! We actually think this is a great opportunity for you to get even closer with your Noomer. They’ve included you in this journey for a reason—they trust you. And knowing they can lean on you will allow them to share their hopes, dreams, worries, fears, triumphs and more in a way they never have before. You’re going to get let in on a little part of their life that not many people get access to. Cool, right?