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These are the top 30 apps you need to download

by | Dec 18, 2014 | Last updated Mar 17, 2023

Tis’ the season to be showered with gifts, including new mobile devices. It’s the holidays and everyone will either be receiving new phones or going shopping at 3 a.m. to get a sweet deal on a new tablet.

Once you get your new gadget you can’t wait to open it and fill it with an array of apps, but there are over 1.3 million apps in the market. How will you choose which ones are the best and most reliable?

Let us help you avoid the overwhelming feeling of searching through a plethora of apps with our holiday season app guide.

This guide features the top three apps (not including the essentials like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.) in almost every category.  You should definitely download them and give them a try. Continued.