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How Cathy lost 85 pounds

by | Sep 16, 2016 | Last updated Dec 21, 2022

After years of yo-yo dieting, Cathy started yet another diet in July 2014. She was tired of always having the same weight loss goal. On her own, Cathy managed to lose 30 pounds but shortly afterward, she hit a wall and the pounds started to creep back on. This is when she realized she could use some help.

When Cathy’s healthcare provider sent her an email promoting the Noom application, she jumped at the opportunity to enroll.

With Noom’s help, Cathy has now lost 85 pounds, dropping from 227 to 142 pounds and losing 37% of her bodyweight. After seeing her progress, Cathy’s doctor also took her off of several medications for type 2 diabetes. “I’m thrilled,” said Cathy. “I feel good about myself!”

Right from the start Cathy found logging food on the Noom application to be very helpful. “Knowing that I’d be held accountable by my coach encouraged me to make good food choices,” said Cathy. “I’ve had two different coaches since joining Noom and they have been my best cheerleaders! They have helped me identify my shortcomings (afternoon snacking is my weakness!) and helped me develop strategies to approach snacking in a way that didn’t set me back. My coaches were always there to support me and they helped me tweak my eating patterns when I felt like I wasn’t making enough progress.”

Cathy also loved Noom’s group feature which helped her and her peers come together to encourage one another and share healthy lifestyle strategies. “Being in a group with like-minded people on a similar journey let us all know that we weren’t alone.”

Noom’s articles and course content provided Cathy with ongoing reinforcement and education that she has been able to incorporate into her daily life. “I’ve learned it is okay to enjoy certain foods at celebrations and not feel deprived, the key is planning for these foods and balancing them with on-going healthy eating.”

“When I do eat something that I regret, I just forgive myself and move on,” said Cathy. “This is not a diet with a start and end date…this is a journey.”

“I feel transformed, vibrant, and full of enthusiasm. For the first time in my life, I feel like I have the tools and skills to stay on this healthy journey. Most importantly, I’ve learned to enjoy the healthy food, enjoy the strength from exercise, and enjoy the life I’m living!”

Join Cathy and thousands of other users who have changed their behaviors and transformed their lives with Noom’s Healthy Weight course! Click here to enroll and start your journey today!