As many rounds as possible (AMRAP) workouts put you against the clock and help you get an intense and efficient workout! AMRAP style workouts allow you to maximize calories burned in a short amount of time and are perfect for those on a tight schedule with minimal equipment!
Simply pick your exercises, number of reps, time limit, and get to work!
1. Pick 2-4 of the following exercises.
- Burpees
- Jump squats
- Mountain climbers
- Jump ropes
- Push Ups
- Tuck jumps
- Sit ups
- High knees
- Box jumps
- Jump lunges
Have other exercises you like? Throw them in!
2. Pick your reps.
How many reps do you want to complete for each exercise? Get creative, mix and match, and don’t be afraid to challenge yourself!
Example: 10 burpees, 15 sit ups, 20 jump lunges
3. Set your time limit.
How long do you have for your workout? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? 20 minutes?
If it’s your first time, we suggest going for 5-10 minutes. If this ain’t your first rodeo, consider pushing yourself for 15-20 minutes.
4. Get to work!
Complete your specific reps for each exercise, in order, as many times as you can until time is up! Set a goal for yourself and try to beat it!
Your workout might look a little something like this…
10 minutes as many rounds as possible of:
1 round = 10 burpees, 15 sit ups, and 20 jump lunges.
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Not only do AMRAP workouts allow you to get a high-intensity and efficient workout, they are also great in allowing you to test your progress based on specific exercises, reps, and time limits! Did you complete 3 rounds of your AMRAP workout this week? Try it next month and see if you can get 4!
Ready to kickstart your journey to better health? Get started with Noom’s 14-day trial today!