Beaming sun, breezy winds, and fresh air — in the summertime, the last place anyone wants to be is cooped up in the gym. Don’t let let that stop you from staying active, though. Take advantage of the warmer weather by taking your workout outside!
Switch up your routine and head to the park this weekend for a quick and effective sweat sesh! We’ve put together a quick strength training circuit featuring 5 of our favorite park bench moves so that you can enjoy the sun and workout too!
Build your behind with squats
Stand in front of the bench, as if you were about to take a seat, with your feet hip-width apart. Start by bending at the hips so that you sit backwards, making sure your knees don’t pass your toes. Lightly tap the seat of the bench with your bottom (don’t sit!) and return back to the starting position by pushing your feet into the ground.
Repeat this move for a total of 10 reps.

Sculpt sleek arms with dips
Plant your palms at the edge of the seat of the bench with your fingertips facing forward. Extend your legs straight in front of you with your heels planted on the ground. Lift your bottom off the bench and bend your elbows so that your bottom lowers towards the ground. Press your palms into the bench as you straighten out your elbows to lift your bottom back up.
Complete this move for a total of 10 reps.

Burn your upper body with incline push-ups
Stand facing the bench and place your palms shoulder width apart on the edge of the seat of the bench in front of you. Step your feet back so that your body is in a straight plank position. Slowly lower your chest towards the bench while bending your elbows back. Push against the bench to extend your arms to the starting position.
Repeat this move for a total of 10 reps.

Tone your tush with step-ups
Stand facing the bench and place your right foot on the seat of the bench with your knee directly above your toes. Step up and bring your left leg up to meet your right leg on the bench. Step back down to the starting position.
Complete 10 step ups on each leg.
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Chisel your core with v-sits
Sit at the edge of the bench. Place your hands slightly behind you to support yourself and extend your legs straight in front of you, so that your body is in a v-position. Squeeze your abdominal muscles as you bend your knees and bring your chest forward so that they meet. Return back to a v-position.
Repeat this move for a total of 10 reps.

Complete these moves back-to-back without rest. Repeat the circuit for a total of 5 rounds, resting 1 minute in between each circuit, for a full body burn!
What are you waiting for? Get moving!