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Meet Noom Health Coaches: 17 #MotivationMonday Mantras

by | Jan 21, 2018 | Last updated Feb 15, 2022

New week. New goals.

We asked some of our health coaches to inspire us with their favorite #MotivationMonday mantras.

Coach Andrea

“Never stop striving to become the best version of yourself.”

Focus on you and uncover your full potential. This is your journey and your life — create one that you’re proud of.

Coach Angeline

“Don’t give up on what you want most for what you want right now.”

Think long term, take a deep breath, and evaluate your options. You’ve got this!

Coach Annice

“I can choose to take a step in the right direction at any point.”

You always have the power to make a great decision, even if you might have previously indulged more than intended.

Coach Bethany

I will never regret choosing to work towards my goals.”

When your motivation is lacking, remind yourself that you’ll never regret eating a healthy meal, getting that workout in, or having a good night’s sleep. Whatever your goal is, choose what you know you’ll be proud of at the end of the day.

Coach Celina

“No matter how slow you go, you’re lapping everyone on the couch”

Becoming healthier takes time — it won’t happen overnight. But even if you’re going slow, you’re still moving and working towards your goals.

Coach Chelsea D.

“If you bite it, write it.”

Always make sure to log any nibble, snack, or meal.

Coach Jaclyn

“Amazing things don’t come from comfort zones.”

It is okay if things feel a little unfamiliar and uncomfortable at first! Change isn’t easy and stepping out of our comfort zones helps us grow!

“Even the tallest apple tree was one just a seed.”

Everything has to grow and work hard to get to the top. Dedicating a little time and effort each day will help you reach the top.

Coach Michelle

“When you feel like stopping, remember why you started.”

It only takes a few seconds to reflect on the reasons for why you decided to get started in the first place. Let those reasons motivate you to work towards your finish line no matter how hard it gets or how long it might take you.

Coach Nicole E.

Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction.”

When you get up in the morning, take a few minutes to motivate yourself by doing something that will help set you up for success that day. At the end of the day, you’ll be glad you did and you’ll be one step closer to your goal.

Coach Olympia

“My mind will give up before my body does.”

Practice shutting down that inner voice telling you to skip your workout because you think it’s too hard, you’ll never make it, and you just might as well give up. Create an inspirational script for talking back to that voice and keep striving.

Coach Rebecca A.

“My last choice doesn’t have to dictate my next choice”.

Remind yourself that it’s never too soon or too late to make the next decision a healthy one.

Coach Rechelle

“I deserve my own love.”

Recognize that everything you do for your health and well-being is an act of self-love that no one can take away from you.

Coach Sherry

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”  

You are in the driver’s seat of your own life — take control and go the direction that serves you.

“The greatest wealth is health.”

Your health allows you to live the life you want. Remember that you are worth the investment of time and energy!

Coach Tiffany M.

Just one more step.”

Whether it’s a race, going for a walk in when you don’t feel like it,  a big project at work, or simply getting through a rough day, break it down into small, realistic steps. The finish line can be daunting and seem impossible to reach, but by breaking it down and focusing on the now, you’ll get there!

Coach Trisha V.

“Make the healthy choice the easy choice.”  

We have been conditioned to think the less healthy choices are easiest, but we can make the healthier choices just as easy with a little bit of thought and planning.